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You may be thinking the long holiday weekend is the perfect time to send brand ambassadors out to talk about your company or product, but before you commit you may want to consider how and why holiday weekends are different from “normal” weekends. 


People are on vacation.

While it may seem like a great idea to send your street team out in New York City over Fourth of July weekend, a lot of city natives have left the island for the beach. If your target audience is not tourists it may not be worth it to activate over a holiday. 

Fewer viable candidates.

Not only are consumers on vacation but brand ambassadors and other staff members often take advantage of the holiday, so you may find that your “regulars” are out of town, requiring you to on-board new candidates to a program who aren’t as well versed in your brand messaging. 

Higher than usual rates.

To make up for the limited candidates, it’s also possible you’ll need to pay out a higher rate to encourage applicants for your shift; or that you’ll need to offer extended shifts to attract the right talent. 

Normal hotspots might be empty.

If you’d normally target a transit hub, a holiday weekend will likely pull traffic away from this location and drive them towards event sites; for example, towards a fireworks display or holiday windows. 


While it does make sense to activate over holiday weekends for some brands, it is definitely not a one size fits all. Before you commit to having a street team make sure you consider the differences between holidays and a typical weekend so that you are doing your best to maximize the return on your investment. 

Post by Moderne Communications
Jun 15, 2022 12:45:00 AM