Feel like you’re only scraping the surface of potential consumers? That could be because of your marketing mix. While the marketing world might seem to be locked on digital, we believe in engaging consumers with OOH media. Utilizing digital and other mediums of advertising, add an out-of-home element to your campaign!
We may be slightly biased, but Out-Of-Home advertising is essential in driving the message home. Don’t believe us? Check out this chart by MRI Simmons that shows the boost that OOH marketing gives to traditional marketing.

The possibilities and capabilities of OOH advertising are nearly limitless. Not sure where to begin? Below are some of our favorite methods:
- Digital Projections
- Place-Based Media
- Wild Posting Placements
- Chalk Stencil Installations
- Removable Media
- Contactless OOH
You may be wondering if these data points hold up in the current climate, and while OOH isn’t at its pre-pandemic height, it is certainly picking up. This chart below from Ubimo illustrates the lift of OOH advertising, week to week.

Although cities are individually seeing varying lifts in OOH, there is a strong national lift of over 26% in OOH advertising. This is a promising data point that shows the strong changing market and that the interest in OOH advertising is increasing.
Brands are noticing that people are beginning to leave their homes and they want to be the first to reach these people with their messages. We suggest getting ahead of the competition and getting your message in front of your target consumers while the advertising space remains relatively quiet.