Eustress means beneficial stress—either psychological, physical, or biochemical/radiological. The term was coined by Doctor Hans Selye, consisting of the Greek prefix eu- meaning "good," and stress, literally meaning "good stress." 1
Who knew there was such a thing as “good” stress??? While that may be hard to believe in 2021, that’s exactly what eustress is.
In less scientific terms, eustress is the feeling you get when you have something new, exciting, and maybe even challenging coming up in the future that makes you a bit nervous. Think of this as the product of jitters you feel when you have an unknown ahead of you. Eustress might be a new phrase to you, but chances are you’ve experienced it MANY times.
Let’s be clear about one thing though. The Moderne team by no means wants to embrace a stressful work life – at a time like this who needs more “bad” stress? What we want is to embrace the fact that sometimes stress can be a good thing! One – it means that you care and two – it means that new challenges excite you! These are both great things.
This feeling of stress for new challenges also helps us to stay motivated to accomplish or overcome these challenges. We work extra hard to accomplish goals and get the work done. This can in turn create a better work life.
In an effort to see the bright side of things, the pandemic has brought us eustress as we launched new marketing tactics and platforms to cope with changing consumer wants and needs. And while we don’t have all of the secrets for transferring that bad stress into eustress, we do our best to help both our clients and their target audiences meet their unique needs.
We are offering a free consultation to anyone who would like to go from stress to eustress and partner with Moderne to make that connection! Contact us via our website (, give us a call (516-594-1100), or email us at