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At Moderne, we understand stepping outside the traditional marketing landscape is a hard ask for most companies. As a business owner, you may feel as though once you adapt to the “new way” of advertising, there is already another “new way.” This can cause loss of creativity, motivation, and the will to keep learning the new “ins and outs” of marketing. What we found, and stand by, is that pursuing new marketing tactics is a must to ensure that you stay relevant and heard by consumers, especially during the world’s current situation.

The fear of investing in OOH Media and Experiential Marketing should be a thing of the past if you want to be ahead of the curve. Whether it’s through virtual events, informative posters, or grocery cart ads, top brands are finding more and more innovative ways to reach their target audience in a non-traditional, contactless way.

During prospective client intro calls we’re always eager and passionate in expressing to companies the importance of going beyond conventional marketing. With our numerous offerings in media and event planning, we can collaborate to brainstorm and create a personalized campaign, specific to your product or service, while taking into consideration the “new norm.”

Although expanding into an unfamiliar marketing zone can be uncomfortable, it should be something that you take into consideration, and here’s why - “Consumers have a 67% recall rate of OOH Media, highest of any other channel.” Now we can bore you with many more supporting statistics, or we can show why you should explore these options with our Moderne, creative thoughts and ideas.

Post by Moderne Communications
Apr 6, 2021 1:29:27 PM